Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

This week, we have much to celebrate!  As fall has arrived, we especially love traditions that surround Halloween.  We love time to gather, decorate, dress in costume, and all the giggles while collecting candy and visiting neighbors.  

Jesus remains at the center of all our fun.  

Pinnacle’s Children & Youth Ministry Team will have an opportunity for connection at UMOM on Thursday with students after school.  We will distribute goodie bags, enjoy fellowship, and play games for a bit.  We love these monthly opportunities!  

We also love our time with our Pinnacle Preschool students as they arrive to school in costume, and display their annual theme at our Preschool Halloween Parades this week.  We cannot wait to see the creativity, the smiles, and the families as we gather in the circle drive for all the fun.  

And, on Saturday, we open our campus to our annual community event, Trunk or Treat.  We will provide a safe space for families to gather, children to collect candy, and provide Christ-centered crafts and activities for students and families to enjoy.  We cannot wait for an evening together during one of our largest outreach events of the year.

We ask that you keep all our activities in your prayers, and even consider joining us!  We are still hunting for creative trunks to distribute candy.  Let me know if you’d like more information!

A prayer for you today: 

Lord, bless my family and children. Give them hearts that follow after you. Give my family the strength to not be afraid. Give them the courage to stand up to what is right. Produce within them an attitude of integrity, giving their lives to giving you glory. Protect each family member under the shadow of your wings. Lord, help us to find our strength in you. Increase our unity and peace as we seek to follow after you. Amen

Peace, love, and continued blessings ~
Ms. Hillary