Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

What We Share – God Is Here!*


God is here! As we Your people meet to offer praise and prayer *

The Sunday before I arrived at Pinnacle, I worshipped with the congregation online. In the thoughtful sermon on forgiveness and the choir’s beautiful rendering of the Lord’s Prayer, I was reminded that all Christians share this simple prayer. I first learned it in the Methodist church in Aurora, IL, where I grew up, and have prayed it almost daily over the past 22 years in the chapel at Valparaiso University.

I joined worship in person at Pinnacle on World Communion Sunday, Oct. 3. We shared bread and wine with Christians the world over, remembering that these simple elements bind us together.

Here, as bread and wine are taken, Christ sustains us as of old. *

Children led us singing “Heleluyan!”  Their clear voices called us all to praise. This Muscogee hymn sustained indigenous tribes as they walked the Trail of Tears. Through the mouths of children, we connected with those who praise in spite of oppression.

Here our children find a welcome in the Shepherd’s flock and fold. *

These are simple things, really: a prayer of Jesus, bread, and wine, a song. In them, though, we see a church wider and deeper than any of us can know on our own.

May we find in fuller measure what it is in Christ we share. *

I have spent most of my professional life in the Lutheran church. I love that church. It has formed my life as an organist and church musician. Luther’s insistence that music can actually proclaim the Gospel is fertile ground for my life and work. Luther’s idea that all of creation is God’s gift, and therefore good, opens the door to all kinds of artistic expression in the church. 

Here, as in the world around us, All our varied skills and arts
Wait the coming of the Spirit into open minds and hearts. *

I so look forward to my time at Pinnacle, finding the new ways we can join our praises to God. I’m not a stranger to Presbyterianism; in fact, my first professional church position was at First Presbyterian Church, Evanston, IL. Interestingly, I shared that position with another person, also an organist and choir director, much like Ilona and I will be sharing roles over the next months. We were both organists and choir directors, and we shared both roles. At times, we even switched organists during the service! While this was an unusual model, it was very successful, allowing both of us to lead and explore our various musical gifts.

Here the servants of the Servant seek in worship to explore
What it means in daily living to believe and to adore. *

That’s what we do, right? We are all here to grow in believing and adoring, giving all we have to God. It’s a privilege to be at Pinnacle for these next months. I look forward to music-making in many forms!

We, who cannot live without You, we adore You! We believe!

*Hymn texts are from “God Is Here!” This hymn is in both The Presbyterian Hymnal and Glory to God. In fact, 2/3 of the hymns in Glory to God come from The Presbyterian Hymnal. “Heleluyan!” is also in both hymnals. Much of the new material in Glory to God comes from global and ecumenical sources that are more recent, as well as newly-composed hymns and songs.