Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

With Such Gratitude and Affection

by: Pam & Scott Fischer
Scott & I were so very touched by our Pinnacle church family’s send-off on Oct. 31, following worship. I truly teared up singing ‘A Mighty Fortress Is Our God’, by Martin Luther, 1529.  It was Reformation Sunday… how appropriate…once again, the clay of our ‘story’ is being re-formed.  Scott loves to remind people that “if you want God’s best, let God surprise you!” It’s in the ‘Odd or God’ moments, for me, that I feel most loved, challenged, and ‘fortified’ by God. One of the most touching moments for me was hearing that one of our high school youth told her mom she did remember me… because “I FED them during the Rummage Sale”.  How precious the simplicity of children. And, Scott and I, will forever remember how Pinnacle Presbyterian Church ‘fed’ us so lovingly… collaborating with fellow pilgrims, music & program offerings, and Pinnacle’s most sacred/holy edifice.  All will be deeply missed.

“Let goods and kindred go, This mortal life also…” (v.4)  Exhausting work, but we are so blessed to know God as our Fortress and that God’s love and truth “abide forever”. Such knowledge is the virtual Ark of the Covenant / tabernacle we need to carry in our hearts. So, we carry the memory of so many special relationships with us as we journey forth. They are our true ‘treasures in Heaven’ that God enabled us to find in our ‘fields’. May we all continue to gain strength for our journeys knowing God will one day welcome us home, to continue to feed us…

I do observe that our generation became the ‘repository’ for things. Today’s youth generally move more and do not want to be burdened with things they never envision using, much less storing. All good, really. We didn’t grow up with tablets, Hallmark paper plates, plastic glassware, youth sports, so many restaurants, and so many ready-cooked meals. So now, as we ‘reform’/downsize our household contents, I can honestly share the joy it has given us to bless others with some of our earthly treasures (giving to thrift shops, neighbors, old friends & new friends). Do call if you have any desire to add any ‘heirlooms’ to your storage barn. Seriously, with the anticipated Christmas toy shortage…it could be fun to give them something unique!! HaHa.

Hospitality and feeding people will remain a very good and Godly thing, as long as we keep the focus on God’s love, and truly engage other journeyers in life storytelling. Laughing and crying together MATTERS deeply.  We need to pick each other up literally and figuratively… even from ditches of our own making…without judging. We must keep telling God’s story and looking for all the ways God nurtures each of our sacred lives on Earth. Everything needs to be shared, with God in the middle. 

Scott & I leave Pinnacle with such gratitude and affection. I, personally, enjoin each of you to live more aware of God’s presence, and be ready to go where God may call you. (At least we weren’t asked to build an ark, although… I do love animals.)

Blessings and much love,
Pam & Scott Fischer