Sing For Life Chorus
What is Sing for Life Chorus
Sing for Life Chorus is a community choir designed for those with early to mid-stage dementia and their care partners who are living in their homes or chosen communities. Singers will be accompanied by a consistent care partner. The chorus is led by specially trained music professionals and rehearses weekly and performs public concerts several times a year.
Singers sing familiar and new music with adaptive methods and structured direction. Dementia-capable volunteers are available to assist. Sing for Life Chorus rehearsals include social time, refreshments, and a supportive environment that builds a caring community. Persons with dementia and care partners can experience joy, love, understanding, and meaning through music.
Thursdays | 10 - 11:30 am
Fellowship Hall on the Pinnacle Presbyterian Church campus
25150 N. Pima Rd | Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Fall session 2024: Sept 19 - Dec 12
Christmas Concert on Dec 12 at 10 am
Spring session 2025: Jan 9 - May 15
Spring Concert on May 15 at 10 am
Living better with Dementia
Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disease that impacts a person’s ability to function in their daily lives and impacts their families and communities. Choruses like Sing for Life can help people focus on their strengths and the qualities that provide a sense of well-being and belonging. Experience shows that choruses like Sing for Life can change the stigma of dementia one song at a time.
Join our Sing for Life Chorus. We rehearse once a week at Pinnacle Presbyterian Church and perform at least one concert each session. Singers are encouraged to join at the beginning of a session.
Volunteers are needed to help our chorus run smoothly with roles that include, welcome hosts and refreshment servers. For more information, contact our volunteer coordinator Kelly McGinn or sign up today online.
You can make a difference in the lives of those on the journey of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Your donation can help give voice to those who courageously sing or will benefit from singing. Click on the button below to donate and consider honoring or remembering a loved one.
Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler, Director
Schae Chapman, Staff Musician
Brady Larson, Staff Musician
Jonathan Lang, Accompanist
Jim Gray, Volunteer Musician
Judy Loken, Volunteer Extraordinaire
Susan Matura, Volunteer Extraordinaire
Kelly McGinn, Coordinator
Committee Members
Jim Gray
Rev. Erik Khoobyarian
Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler
Judy Loken
Heather Mulder
Carol Lee Randall
Hilary Smedsrud
Patty Wendel
The Sing for Life Story
The creation of Sing For Life Chorus was inspired by the success of the Giving Voice Chorus for persons with dementia in Minneapolis, MN, founded in September 2014. Through the Giving Voice Chorus, the Giving Voice Initiative (GVI) was launched with a goal to inspire and equip organizations in the United States and around the world to build choruses for persons with dementia and their care partners.
Two winter residents from Minneapolis and the founder of GVI approached Pinnacle Presbyterian Church to host a new chorus for persons with dementia. Following a series of focus group meetings, Sing For Life was born.
Sing For Life Chorus is a part of the Giving Voice Initiative (GVI). For more information about this movement, visit givingvoicechorus.org.