Worship Schedule
Weekly Sunday Worship
Worship at Pinnacle is casual traditional, filled with joy and music, and is the heart of our life at Pinnacle. A wide range of dress can be found in worship from suits and tie to very casual.
In worship, we acknowledge God’s presence in the world and in our lives, give thanks for the many blessings we have received, and prepare to take action in God's world. We come together in love as God’s people, welcoming each person at different places in their walk of faith, creating a stimulating environment to explore and grow in one’s faith.
At Pinnacle, all are welcome as we explore a broad range of faith expressions, honor questions, and respect individuality.
8:00 am | Chapel
Service lasts approximately 45–minutes
There is special music and hymns sung
Nursery care provided in the Chapel Nursery
A more intimate setting
Refreshments served on the terrace following worship
Simple liturgy, or order of worship
10:00 am | Sanctuary & Live-streamed
Service lasts approximately one hour
The full Chancel Choir leads the congregation in worship
Nursery care provided in the Sanctuary Nursery
Children’s Message
Church School for Children
Teens remain in worship
Refreshments served on the Sanctuary Patio
Full liturgical service