Legacy Gifts
Preparing God’s Church for the Generations to Come
When compared to the wealth of most Americans and the world, we are rich beyond imagination. Few will reach the end of our lives without adequate food, shelter and healthcare. Many will enter our heavenly home with a multitude of unused resources left behind. As stewards of the resources God entrusted to us, a portion should be dedicated for the continuation of Christ’s church. Whether Pinnacle is our church home year-round or only a number of months, it is our responsibility to ensure PPC is able to provide worship, Christian education, congregational life, and mission work in the community and in our world for generations to come.
Setting aside resources to plan for the future security of the church can be done during your lifetime, or through your estate.
You will find the answers to many common questions and topics in our Legacy brochure. In addition, our Foundation Trustees and church staff are available to answer your questions and help you consider ways to benefit the church now and in the future.
If you are ready to make a gift to Pinnacle, please complete the Planned Legacy Gift form. If you have additional questions about making a gift to the church, please contact (480) 585-9448 .
Sample Language for a bequest through a Will or Trust to the Church or Foundation:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Pinnacle Presbyterian Church, EIN 86-0708287, all {or state the fraction or percentage} of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate. Pinnacle Presbyterian Church may be contacted at 25150 North Pima Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85255.”
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Pinnacle Presbyterian Church Foundation, EIN 20-3772264, all {or state the fraction or percentage} of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate. Pinnacle Presbyterian Church Foundation may be contacted at 25150 North Pima Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85255.”