About Us
Pinnacle Presbyterian Church Foundation is a charitable 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Arizona Corporation, EIN: 20-3772264, governed through its by-laws.
It has two primary missions. The first is to actively educate church members on the importance of setting aside funds for the long-term needs and extraordinary donor-directed programs of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church and to secure gifts and bequests for these purposes. The second is to invest such funds, with sound judgment and monitoring, for current or later use by PPC and its individual programs; assuring all that the fund usage is consistent with the intent of the donor of the funds.
Our Foundation is part of a comprehensive, vision-based approach to stewardship, mission, and church finances that supports and inspires generosity and commitment in the congregation. To support a comprehensive approach to stewardship, mission, and the church’s fiscal planning, the Session and the Trustees have entered into a Trust Agreement with the church.
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
~ Proverbs 29:18
What We Believe About Giving to the Foundation
Foundation Trustees believe that gifts to Foundation’s endowment funds will
Provide ongoing financial support to Pinnacle Presbyterian Church
Return some of the gifts which God blessed the giver with to serve Pinnacle ministries
Set an example of long-term faith-based giving for family and friends
Follow Jesus’s teachings and bear witness to how the giver has valued Pinnacle Presbyterian Church, its staff, and ministries and express a desire to see Pinnacle thrive for generations
More About Foundation
About the Foundation
How To Get Started
Legacy Circle
Board of Trustees
Legacy Gifts
Pinnacle Scholarship Fund

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