Sanctuary Classroom 2
Co-taught by Drs. Avram and Hilton
Oh, Taste and See - Following the Foods of the Bible
You and I spend a lot of time eating and talking about eating. Food regulates our days, giving them structure and (at times) beauty. Half the books-blogs-broadcasts celebrate eating, half prescribe how to lose weight. It can put us in good moods or leave us feeling defeated. All of this, and yet we rarely ask what food and faith have to do with one another. Join us this Lent as we follow the food of the Bible, from Jesus’ fast in the wilderness toward the Last Supper of Maundy Thursday.
Week One – All the Diets of the Bible (Genesis 1.29 and 9.3; Daniel 1; Luke 4; Ecclesiastes 9.7)
Allen Hilton in AZ (March 13-14)
Are you vegetarian, a vegan, gluten free, kosher, paleo, dairy free, keto, Atkins, carnivore, flexitarian? Do you frequently fast? Americans have become pretty specific in how we govern our food intake. We have that in common with the ancient characters in the Bible. In this session, we’ll look at all the diet plans of the Bible – including Jesus’ 40 day fast. You’ll leave hungry!
Week Two – Manna from Heaven: Food Enough (Exodus 16; Leviticus 19, and John 6)
Wes Avram in AZ (March 20-21)
In the Book of Exodus, God sends manna from above to feed the newly-freed Hebrews as they journey toward Mt. Sinai. God instructed the people to take each day only enough for that one day. That raises the question, how much is enough food? In a society with record rates of obesity, it’s worth asking.
Week Three – The Passover Lamb (Exodus 12, John 1, 1 Cor 5, Revelation 5)
Allen Hilton remote in TX (March 27-28)
Animal sacrifice is a strange concept to some 21st century American minds, but it is still practiced in some cultures around the world. What need does it satisfy? Would Passover lamb have tasted different than the rack we would order at a restaurant? Does its purpose impact its taste? Inquiring minds want to know!
Week Four – The Last Supper (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, 1 Corinthians 11)
Allen Hilton in AZ (April 3-4)
Maybe the most important meal in history is the one we repeat weekly in churches and communities across the earth. What would have been on the table when Jesus held up bread and a cup and said they were his body and blood? And what does it mean when we eat that meal together almost 2,000 years later.