Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. ~Psalm 46:1-3

This past week our family spent time at Oceanside, CA.  We became “beach-bums” instead of “organ-bench bums”. The ocean was approximately 76 degrees (the warmest it has been for sometime) and it felt fantastic! I am not an experienced boogie boardist nor a “body surfer”, but with the help of our two sons, Chris & Josh, I once again “rode the waves”. I had no idea what Mendelssohn was talking about in his oratorio “Elijah” until I rode one of those six-foot waves – “the waters gather, they rush along, they are lifting their voices; the stormy billows are high, their fury is mighty”. Wow! To think that God created this glorious wonder on the third day.

According to Merriam Webster, water has several forms – solid, liquid and gas, but still water. The Bible teaches us that God is three unique persons – Father, Son & Holy Spirit, but still one God. This can be difficult to understand.  However, water is a great example of how something can be three different things, and at the same time one thing. Even though there are three uniquely different states of water (liquid, solid, and gas), they are still water. These states or forms of water can remind us of the triune nature of God.

The solid form of water (ice) reminds us of God the Father. Ice is hard – it is solid. In the same way, God the Father is our solid foundation.

The liquid form of water reminds us of God the Son. We use water to shower in to get clean. In the same way, God the Son, died on the cross to cleanse us of our sin.

The gas form of water reminds us of God the Holy Spirit. Gas cannot be seen, but you can see the effects of it.  In the same way, the Holy Spirit cannot be seen, but the effects of his presence can be seen and felt in our lives as the Holy Spirit works to make his will known to us and to change us to become more like him.

It is mind boggling to think that the surface of our planet is approximately 71% water.  However, we must never forget that 100% of God’s sovereign power is over all earthly and spiritual forces – no matter how big the waves are!