Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

We can all recognize one who loves Christ the second we first see the individual.  The person just has a special glow full of compassion, patience, and peace.  Last week at our annual Vacation Bible School, nearly 150 children and 70 volunteers all found a new glow in their hearts. 
VBS planning started a year ago with a big idea and one line of scripture. The idea was to do VBS differently than any other church. The scripture, Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.” As big as the idea for our VBS was, God’s plans were bigger. His divine inspiration transformed VBS from just been another summer camp to a first-hand experience with Christ, manifesting itself through our devoted youth and adult leaders.  
One leader described the experience as follows: “...after finally sitting down and getting time to breathe and take this week in, I found that I feel transformed! God was so very present in all we did, in all that I did and said. He gave me the words to speak to our children, and I can only hope my words were heard and will reverberate within them for weeks, months and even years to come. This was such a powerful week for me.”  
It was an amazing week of transformation for us all, adult and child, lifelong Christians and those just beginning to feel Christ’s presence. Praise God for this ministry and all those who became His hands and feet last week.