Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

What's New With Our Organ? Update #1


The sanctuary organ is going to be out of commission for the next three weeks due to the major chancel floor repair. While I have been supervising the covering of the organ this week, I thought it would be a perfect occasion to update you on the recording project I was planning to do in the Spring 2020.

First and foremost, thank you again to all of you who chipped in to the CD project during my recital last November! It was an unforgettable evening, and your generous support and appreciation have meant a lot. You will be right to deduce that due to the Covid-19 situation the recording project has been delayed. Typically before any major recording an organ needs to receive general maintenance and tuning, and our Richards, Fowkes op. 14 was due to get one this year. It was scheduled for April 2020 and, as you might suspect, didn't happen. The organ builder Bruce Fowkes, who lives and works in Tennessee, has not been able to fly in, nor convince any of his workers to come along. For the time being, or at least until the Covid-19 numbers in Arizona start going down, I will be waiting for him to come, which will allow me to record the instrument.

Meanwhile I have been working on the plan and program for the project. Following the great lead of the Fran Park Center, and inspired by the way Pinnacle Presbyterian Church has been providing innovative educational opportunities, the CD project will consist of many facets. From interviews with folks involved with the organ project, to movies showcasing and explaining the inners of the organ, this project is going to present the beauty, science and technology perfectly united in this piece of art. My plan is to focus on the best and most diverse organ music which originated in the Americas, on the fascinating history of this land, its culture and pipe organs. In the same manner as our organ case is adorned with geckos, raindrops, and sunbursts, the music selection on this CD will reflect the land the organ stands on.

Three weeks without the Richards, Fowkes organ seems like a lot, but stay tuned while I explore our small but mighty Schantz organ in the Chapel. See you on Sunday!