Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)


During these desperate days, I search for some good news!  I love my daily check-ins with friends and family on Facebook & Instagram.  I’m always seeking smiles, milestone celebrations and enjoying their fun events.

I’ve also become infatuated with TikTok, a new (to me) app that has short video snippets of families dancing, friends creating challenges and, my favorite, the babies & toddlers of TikTok.  These are smiles of total strangers that I can get lost into, as I love seeing so many full of joy!

Recently, John Krasinski, the actor best known for his role as Jim in the TV show The Office, began producing his own show, Some Good News.  Have you seen it?  It’s a weekly touch point providing only good news.  John reached out to the public asking for stories of good news and it’s fascinating! There are so many stories of happy, good deeds & successful individuals, that fill my heart with joy.  Click the video below to watch episode one. I know you’ll love hearing Some Good News!

Katie and I have been researching family resources for our upcoming Pinnacle Family Fun Fest 2020, August 15.  As we want to remain safe, we want to offer some good news to our beloved Pinnacle families!  We will have Family Yoga and Family Art Project classes to be led by Pinnacle Members & we are so excited about our Scottsdale Scavenger Hunt.  This will be intentional time for families, as we come together as a church family.  

During our research, we found d365.  This is an amazing resource, provided by our very own PCUSA, for daily devotions for families.  I challenge you to log in each day, for some good news.  

The five daily steps will be the best news of your day!  Pause, Listen, Think, Pray, & Go offers the greatest opportunity to remind us that the love and grace God provides is with us, always.

As we all have our methods of finding good news, and filling our hearts with joy, I hope you will take some time to find Good News together, with your family.  

Lord, we are in some very difficult days, with likely more to come.  We ask that you preserve our hearts to know You are the Good News. Help us to remember to start our days with You.  Amen.

Peace & love to you all
~Ms. Hillary