Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

To Jump or Not to Jump

SPLASH! A surge of water hit me in the face, as I yelled, “Jump in Mack, I’ll catch you!” I was coaxing young children to jump off the diving board and into the deep end. Treading water, arms outstretched waiting to catch, looking as happy and trustworthy as possible. The young children deciding if they were going to trust their fate to me and toss themselves into tumultuous seas. Some thrilled, some less than excited. Most feeling quite accomplished once on dry land again. 

Jumping off the big diving board is a summer child’s rite of passage. It is an accomplishment of epic proportions! I was always amazed at those who jumped right in. No fear! They yelled for me to get out of their way as they hurled themselves into the water, attempting a variety of tricks: jack-knives, belly flops, cannon balls, and pencil dives. Some forgetting that they hadn’t mastered what came next, the swim to the ladder. In choppy waters and for inexperienced swimmers that ladder swim could be more troublesome than the jump.

Others, quite hesitant, some thinking deeply as they surveyed the scene, weighing the pros and cons carefully. Will she really catch me? Do I trust the person telling me to jump in choppy water that is five times deeper than I am tall? I can barely swim on a good day, who is this instructor anyway? What credentials does she have that give her the right to tell me that I should jump in?! 

There have been times in my life and during my walk with the Lord, where I can identify with those little ones with their toes tightly wrapped over the edge of the diving board. Clinging with all my toe strength to stay on dry land, while I heard God nudging me to take a step forward into the unknown. However, when I look to Scripture I see people in the Bible, who just like me, felt uneasy and unsure on their own accord, yet stepped out of the boat to walk on water, or feeling less than qualified, yet led many people to safety. They were afraid, but they placed their trust in the Lord and jumped in. I have been so encouraged to do the same! To serve where the Lord is leading me, and to trust in Him when what follows the initial jump feels even more unsteady. To keep my eyes on the Lord in all circumstances, to not be discouraged and keep jumping in when He calls my name.