Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

the process of shedding the old skin (in reptiles) or casting off the outer cuticle (in insects and other arthropods).

Made you look….or did you already know the definition of ecdysis? Over the weekend I unlocked another new and exciting level to living in Arizona. As I reached down to pick up what I thought was packing tape laying on my patio, I realized my hand was holding skin. A few inches of snake skin. I looked around and to my surprise, I found over 2 feet more of skin shed. I was excited and curious - this was a first for me. The shed contains so much detail…even the eye sockets were identifiable. But I was also undeniably creeped out because this discovery confirms the obvious; snakes live where I do. 

My curiosity won out. I packed up my specimen in an approved suburban mom scientific storage container - a ziplock bag. Tomorrow, my daughter will bring it to preschool. I can imagine her proudly handing it over to be explored under magnifying glass and light alongside her classmates. Today, I bank mom points. Making up for the failed “me book” a few months back. 

I brought the shed inside to share with my daughter. I explained how snakes shed their skin when it’s time to grow. They leave their old skin that no longer serves them behind. This little lesson has stayed with me the last two days. 

Scripture speaks of a spiritual shedding that occurs, or at least should occur, in the life of someone who knows Jesus. The second letter to the Corinthians reads, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” And we are taught to “put off” our old self with regard to our former way of life (Ephesians 4:22). In snake speak, we should be shedding too. Not because of dry heat, but because we want to be more like Jesus himself. Once we have a relationship with Jesus, we change. Once we experience his great love and grace it is life changing. There’s no turning back. And the thing about Jesus…we encounter his love and grace not just once, but over and over again. 

Snakes shed their skin anywhere from 3-6 times per year. I wonder how often I’m shedding my old ways (habits, thoughts, ways of being, etc.) in order for growth to occur in me? If I’m being honest, I think snakes have us beat here. I know that as a disciple of Jesus, I’m called to this process of shedding and growth throughout my life but it’s not easy. Ecdysis isn’t either. 

It can be uncomfortable for a snake to shed its skin as it grows. The same can be said for our own spiritual growth. It’s much more comfortable to stay just the way we are, however, we aren’t called to stay the same. We are invited to drop our nets, step out of our boats, sell our possessions, eat with tax collectors and hang with sinners (which we are too!),and love our enemy. We are called to step out of the comfortable skin we’ve grown into, in order that we might grow into something new too. The fancy word for that is sanctification. The process through which God transforms us and helps us grow to be more like God’s son Jesus. It’s a good thing. It can be an uncomfortable thing. But it’s a God thing. So, are you ready to shed?