Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)


Grace and peace to each of you on this special April day!

Our Family Ministry team has been hard at work, diligently connecting with families we currently see and those that we have been missing.  We know the activity of life can often come in between worship & rest, and we honor that.  To be sure we connect with as many as we are able, Ms. Katie has created an amazing April affirmation calendar for families to participate at home, together.  I hope you will tag this on your fridge this month and be reminded: “I am beautifully and wonderfully made.”  Psalm 139:14 

Often, negative comments, thoughts, and social distractions can weigh heavy on our hearts.  Did you know it takes five compliments to overcome one negative voice?  We think of this for ourselves, our loved ones, and most especially, our students.  

Please take a minute to print your copy of our April affirmation calendar.  Build your family’s confidence by following along and participating in these activities.  You will be amazed at how great you feel when you are reminded of the blessings you have been given!

Peace & love - 
Ms. Hillary Mackowski