Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

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Earlier this month I had the opportunity to join some friends on a snowboarding trip. I really enjoy snowboarding, mostly because I get to use cool words like gnarly, pow, and shreddin’ the gnar. I am very much an amateur, but I always have a good time. Sometimes I even impress myself when I can get off the ski lift without falling.

Being the beginner that I am, I mostly ride heel side. It is a way to balance and control the board relying heavily on the support of one's heels to do so. The other option is riding toeside, which generally takes a little more time to become proficient. As you can imagine, my heels are in rough shape by the end of the day.

Going snowboarding is a little like going to Disneyland. Experiencing that Disney magic is not cheap. I try to cram in as many shows and rides into my day as possible. I view snowboarding in a similar way, trying to squeeze in as many runs in a day as possible. I gauge the success of my trip based on how many runs down the hill I am able to complete.

As I mentioned, my heels were wrecked by the end of the day. On my last couple of runs, I would plop myself down, sometimes in the middle of the run, just to give my body a chance to rest. It was in those moments of rest, that I truly took in the beauty of my surroundings. Admiring the expansive view from the top of Mount Humphreys and the lush green trees that lined the slopes. I am reminded of the story told in Luke chapter 5. After Jesus heals a man of his leprosy word gets out and more and more people come to hear Jesus. But I want to focus on the end of the story. In verse16, we learn that Jesus withdrew himself from the crowd to rest and to pray. If Jesus took time to get away, to rest, and to pray, we can too. I encourage you to plop yourself down, take a deep breath, give your body a break and take in the view (I’m hoping you don’t plop down in front of the local landfill, but maybe there is beauty in that too). Peace, be still.