Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

EGR - Extra Grace Required!


This past weekend I participated in our PCUSA leadership conference called the Big Event.  Churches from both our Grand Canyon and the neighboring de Cristo Presbyteries were included.  It was a delightful experience to see 150 staff, lay leaders & church members together, navigating steps for each of our churches, individually & as a community,  to adapt to change and provide the extra grace we are all requiring.

Following a live-stream worship service from St. Andrews in Tucson, the plenary was led by Rev. Brent Strawn of Duke Divinity School.  We then enjoyed some small group time to have some specific discussions on how we can best adapt to the changes the pandemic has impacted each of our ministries.

The small group session I participated in was titled Canoeing the Covocolypse. As we began discussing major side effects we are all experiencing, I learned how very simple our issues are vs. many other churches.  In the breakout session of our 40 participants, I was able to connect with 7 churches directly.  2 of the 7 are bilingual churches.  Prior to COVID, they offer worship services in both English and their community’s language.  One church shared their struggles as their members do not have internet access in most of their member’s homes.  Connecting virtually is not an option, so she prints the prayers and sermons and texts them to!

This time with our brothers and sisters in our community was a great way to connect and understand each other's success and failures during the pandemic.  Our leader, Rev. Renee Rico, shared a term I had not heard before: EGR.  She said, if we can encourage our leaders & our members to use EGR, Extra Grace Required, we will all be reminded to stop, breathe, and understand we are all doing our very, very best.  Navigating the pandemic and how the church responds is each of our responsibilities.  Join me in doing all you can, and sharing these sweet, most effective letters...EGR!  

Hugs and peace to all of you
Hillary Mackowski
Director of Children & Family Ministry