Upcoming Youth Events
For questions about youth ministry, or for more information, please contact Rev. Leah Quarles.
Youth Group
Sundays | 11 - 12:45 pm | Teen Center
A weekly opportunity to connect with students from all over the valley through fun games, engaging Bible study and meaningful conversations.
Youth Music Program
Sundays | 12:45 - 1: 30 pm | Fellowship Hall rm 4 / Sanctuary
Enjoy music exploration with the use of African drums, Steel Drums, handbells, and voice.
Weekly Unite
9th - 12th Grades
A lot can happen in a week—from stressful tests to big events. Students are invited to show up for one another as we connect throughout the week. Sometimes this looks like meeting at a local spot to eat and other weeks this looks like attending sports or other events for one another.
Hands-on Mission
Opportunities for youth to serve in our community and beyond are offered throughout the year. Both alongside our whole congregation and special youth only service days.
Youth Sunday
May 4 | All Youth | 8 am & 10 am
You don’t want to miss this special Sunday when youth lead worship, confirmands are celebrated and students share their testimonies.