Which Came First?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Psalm 116 (read by Shelly Core); Galatians 2:15–17 (read by Dr. Wesley Avram)

Good News! Part 4: For the Poor

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Isaiah 25:1–10 (read by Shelly Core); Galatians 2:1–3, 9–10 (read by Dr. Wesley Avram)
Series: Good News! (Part 4)

Life Together

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Rev. Kristin Willett
Prayer: (read by Addie)
Scriptures: Romans 12:14–21 (read by Lily); James 3:18–4:8 (read by Paige)

Categories: 2011, Guest, October 2011

Oaths and Promises

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Dr. Wesley Avram
(The Installation of Rev. Sarah Johnson)
Scripture: Luke 4:14–21 (read by Elder Philip Cilliers); Book of Wisdom 18:20–25 (read by Kristin Stewart)

About the readers: Philip Cilliers is an elder at Mountain View Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale; Kristin Stewart was chair of the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee, which recruited Rev. Sarah Johnson.

It Takes Heart

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Psalm 40 (read by Rev. Kristin Willett and Pastoral Intern Shelly Core); Ephesians 3:16–21 (read by Dr. Wesley Avram)

For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Dr. Michael Hegeman
Scripture: Galatians 5:1, 13–25

About the Guest Preacher

Dr. Michael Hegeman holds a Ph.D. in Homiletics and New Testament Studies from Princeton Theological Seminary where he taught Speech and Preaching courses for 10 years. An Arizona resident since 1978, Michael graduated from Grand Canyon University (1990) with a degree in Music Education. Michael taught at the First Presbyterian Academy, formerly housed in the Historic First Presbyterian Church (Phoenix) where he served as an elder before going to Princeton Seminary in 1993. Michael has worked and taught in China and Israel/Palestine and is a composer of choral music, having served as the composer–in–residence of the Lauda Chamber Singers (New Jersey) for 10 years. Currently he teaches courses in the Humanities and Christianity at Grand Canyon University, and frequently lectures on diverse topics dealing with faith and religion around the Phoenix metropolitan area.

Categories: 2011, Guest, July 2011

Keeping Sabbath

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Shelly Core
Scripture: Matthew 12:1–14

About the Guest Preacher

Shelly Core will be joining the staff of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church as part–time Pastoral Intern in August. She has served as Director of Children’s Ministries, Elder, Treasurer, member of the Finance Committee, Chair of Adult Education at PPC, and was Chair of the Presbytery’s Educational Ministries Committee. She currently serves as a Trustee to the PPC Foundation, and Vice Chair of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry of the Presbytery. She was recently elected to the Presbyterian Cooperative Committee, the national committee responsible for writing and administering ordination exams. She will be a Certified Associate Christian Educator once she is employed in that field. Shelly has been married to her husband, Scott, for 16 years.

Categories: 2011, Guest, July 2011

God So Loved the World

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Dr. Terry V. Swicegood
Scripture: Isaiah 63:7–9 (read by Rev. Sarah Johnson); John 3:1–16 (read by Dr. Terry V. Swicegood)

About the Guest Preacher

Dr. Terry V. Swicegood is a native of Winston–Salem, N.C. Terry was educated at Pfeiffer College, Drew Theological School, and Princeton Theological Seminary. He has served Presbyterian Churches across the United States. Most recently he was interim senior pastor at the Village Presbyterian Church in Northbrook, Ill. Terry is married to the former Barbara Hopson, also a native of Winston–Salem, and they have two grown children, Amie of Utrech, Holland and Jeremy of Charlotte, N.C. And he adds, “Four beautiful grandchildren.” Terry is an avid golfer, hiker, and mountaineer, having climbed major peaks in Oregon, Wyoming, Utah, and Washington.

Categories: 2011, Guest, June 2011

Is Anything Too Wonderful?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sermon Preached By: Dr. M. Craig Barnes
Scripture: Genesis 17:1–5, 15–18

About the Guest Preacher

Dr. M. Craig Barnes was raised on Long Island, New York. After graduating from The King’s College and Princeton Seminary, he received a Ph.D. in the History of Christianity from the University of Chicago under the supervision of Martin E. Marty.

In 1981, he was ordained into the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and has served parishes in Colorado, Wisconsin and Washington, D.C. In fall 2002, he became the Robert Meneilly Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. While continuing in that teaching ministry he began his service as the installed pastor of the Shadyside Presbyterian Church in November 2003.

Craig is the author of several books and articles that center on the struggle of contemporary people making sense of God’s grace. His published books include Yearning, When God Interrupts, Hustling God, Sacred Thirst, Extravagant Mercy, Searching For Home, and most recently, The Pastor as Minor Poet.

He is married to Dawne Hess Barnes who is an interior decorator. They have three children and a hairy dog named Esau.

Categories: 2011, Guest, June 2011

A Reading of the Passion

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scripture Read By: Dr. Wesley Avram, Nancy Schamadan, John Rosenfeld, Rev. Kristin Willett 
Scripture: Matthew 26:14–27:66

A Reading of the Passion

A Word from Rev. Fran Park