Spotlight on Haiti Events

The Haiti Initiative Team is working with other members and staff to bring educational experiences and events focused on Haiti to PPC during March. Mark your calendar and look for additional details on these happenings:

  • Tuesday, March 15, from 7-9 p.m. in the Chapel – Pinnacle Theological Center partners with the Haiti Team to bring you featured speaker Kent Annan, founder of Haiti Partners and author of Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle and After Shock. Hear about life in Haiti one year after the earthquake, and meet people from other organizations in the Valley that provide Haiti support.

  • Saturday, March 19, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.(Note change in time) – Join the “Hoofin’ it for Haiti” Walk-a-Thon! You don’t need to walk for all 12 hours; come any time during the event and walk, push a stroller, skip with grandchildren, etc. Purchase craft items made by our preschoolers; get baked goods.  Meet Pastor Luc. Location: PPC Campus

  • Sunday, March 20, from 6–8 p.m. — Come to the “Up From the Rubble: Harmony’s Hope for Haiti” fund-raising event and help meet our commitment to raise money to rebuild the church in Port-au-Prince. Location: FCF Holland Community Center in north Scottsdale. Pastor Luc is the featured speaker.

  • March 13–April 17 — Support our children’s Lenten project:  Heifer for Haiti. Heifer International has a project placing sheep with families in rural Haiti. Learn more about it and the sustaining value of Heifer projects.

Take a week to read materials on the website, in our brochures and in the bulletin; attend a learning event; find out what the needs are and how we at PPC help.


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January Trip Canceled