Shipment of Medicines Leaves for Haiti

Aid supplies are packed at the FedEx shipping station. Aid supplies are packed at the FedEx shipping station.

In early December, Linda Jenkins and Steve and Judy Loken joined over 20 FedEx employees and other volunteers to pack toys for orphanages and 12 boxes of medical supplies for PPC’s medical mission and Pastor Luc. FedEx donated their flight from Phoenix to Haiti to ship these supplies. PPC was given extra boxes because of having over 120 liters of Pedialyte, which is desperately needed to threat cholera. We also shipped children’s and infant’s Tylenol, adult Advil and Tylenol, band aids, gauze, Tums, vitamins, soap, hand sanitizers, Clorox wipes, gloves, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and everything from very tiny shoes to wedding dresses!

Linda says it best: “One of my favorite things to experience — when you throw up a simple request to God and watch what comes down. It’s pretty incredible — a simple request led to a bigger check than expected, a store (Walgreen’s) made a special order at a discounted rate, a partnership with another organization (Haiti Disaster Response of Arizona) that truly shares their resources and passion, an incredible giving church (PPC), and a company that shares and stands behind their community (FedEx) providing employees that donate their day off and a flight to ship needed supplies to Haiti, saving thousands of dollars. WOW.”

 Many donations were also from Steve Loken’s company. Steve has been tireless in working on the engineering and construction details for Pastor Luc’s church in Port-au-Prince, and also in fundraising activities in his company and community. Linda has been amazing in organizing all of the medical and logistical aspects. Thank you to these individuals, and to everyone who has contributed items and funds.


January Trip Canceled


Gustave Cadet at PPC Holiday Boutique