Pastor Luc Visits PPC
Pastor Luc speaks at Pinnacle Presbyterian Church.
It was Worldwide Communion on Sunday, Pinnacle Presbyterian Church's 21st anniversary, and a time to hear from Pastor Luc. His sermon started with Hallelujahs and ended with his beautiful singing, in Creole, of "Precious Lord, Take My Hand...." His words were a window to the faith that sustains him — and us — through times of "trials and tribulations." After the 10 a.m. church service, Pastor Luc talked with a gathering of people about the current situation in Haiti, answering questions from the group. The whole Cadet family was present, thankful for the support they have received and joyous that little Mike's leukemia is currently in remission.
Pastor Luc told us how he had started the church in Cite Soleil, Port-au-Prince in April 1981 and "it was really sad to see the church collapse in just seconds" when the earthquake struck. At first "the people didn't know how to take it," but Pastor Luc reminded them that the people are the church. So they sing and they meet under tarps. When it rains (as it does often, for months), the rain comes through, but still the people come — 1,500 of them. About 500 children come to church; 300 are in the Harmony Ministries school in Port-au-Prince. Since the earthquake, Harmony Ministries has taken in many children. The church has added 600 people. There are pressing needs; most critical is feeding the people. And Harmony Ministries remains focused on providing education, to address the high rate of illiteracy and provide hope for a different future.
Pastor Luc also addressed the importance of the mobile clinics, staffed by visiting mission teams, that go to Leogane and Thoman. Doctors, nurses and translators are needed. The next PPC mission trip is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 18-24. For information, contact Roy Gust (480.315.1701 or or Jan Loichle (480.575.9125 or