Pinnacle Team Makes Medical Mission Trip to Haiti

On Monday, March 16, the 10 PPC team members returned from their trip to Haiti and the churches of Harmony Ministries.

On the previous Thursday, over 600 adults and children were seen in the medical clinic in Thoman, Haiti, and one cabinet was built for the school. On Friday, approximately 300 people were seen in the Leogone church and most of one cabinet was constructed for the school. Rice and beans were handed out to each visitor to the clinics in Thoman and Leogone; children were given cookies, toothbrushes and tooth paste.

On Saturday, the team visited the Port–au–Prince church of Harmony Ministries, got a tour from Pastor Luc Deratus and stocked the pharmacy with extra medicine. In the afternoon, the PPC group visited the presidential palace.

On Sunday morning, the group returned to the Port–au–Prince Church for worship, where Rev. Mac Schafer preached on Romans 8: 38–39 and Jacque Olmert spoke to the women of the congregation about visiting a doctor on an annual basis.

A special thanks goes out to the Pinnacle congregation and preschool for the many donations that were received and distributed in Haiti. Thanks also to the people who helped get all our materials ready by bagging, packing and counting.

Here are photos from the trip. To see a larger version, click on one of the photos below. Then click the right side of the larger image to continue to the next.


Haiti Mission Journal


A Note from the Haiti Mission Team