Introducing & Celebrating the Glory to God Hymnal

Once in a generation, a new hymnal is introduced in a congregation. For Pinnacle that time is now! On Sunday, January 23, we introduced and place our new red hymnals, Glory to God, in the pews. Over the next months, we will be learning about what’s inside as this becomes our primary hymnal and worship book.

To learn more about the hymnal click here to read frequently asked questions.

Members and friends of Pinnacle are invited to dedicate one or more hymnals for the sanctuary for a suggested donation of $25 per hymnal. We will recognize a donation of any size with a dedication opportunity. A donation of $25 covers the costs of a single hymnal. There will be a display table in the narthex where you can view the nameplates that can be added to the hymnal’s inside front cover. You can order online by completing the form below .