Gifts to the Foundation are different than annual pledges or other types of giving to PPC. Gifts to the Foundation are lasting, invested with an indefinite time horizon, to support the goal of providing reliable financial support to enhance and expand PPC ministries.
Anyone! Over the past 15 years, church members and friends have given gifts large and small, special gifts, and Legacy gifts to further God’s work now and in the indefinite future to support PPC and its many faceted ministries.
The first step is to make an Estate Plan or make a life gift to the foundation. Doing this requires careful deliberation, as you reflect on your love of God and the ministries of PPC that you hope to see continue for future generations. The Foundation benefits from both large and small estates for ours is a community of givers. Once you have made the decision to include PPC Foundation in your Estate Plan, please complete the
and return it to the Church office. Once the office receives the completed form, you are a Legacy Circle member. Please contact a Trustee if you have questions.
A small portion of Foundation assets is distributed to the church annually so that invested assets can grow over time. Foundation assets are also available for mission, youth scholarships, music, and other church ministries chosen by donors.
Most donors elect to give undesignated gifts that afford Trustees discretion to determine how to meet the Church’s most pressing future needs. However, donors may also designate how a gift will be used.
Donors may establish an endowment for a particular purpose that lasts indefinitely. Endowments are governed by Arizona law, are typically larger gifts, and are Trustees guidelines. Currently, nine separate donor endowments have been established.
Living gifts are given while the donor is alive and are invested by the foundation for long-term impact on church ministry, programs or mission. Legacy gifts are included as part of an estate or Trust. Good estate planning may result in both a living gift and a Legacy gift. Your tax advisor may have suggestions on the best strategy for you.
The PPC Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. You should consult a tax professional regarding the tax implications of your contributions.
The Foundation Tax ID Number is EIN: 20-3772264
Trustees of the foundation rely on Manning & Napier, an investment advisory service. A prudent investment is followed to balance risk, return, and preservation of donor’s capital for the long term.
A qualified charitable distribution is an otherwise taxable distribution from an IRA owned by an individual that is paid directly from the IRA to a qualified charity. The PPC Foundation is a qualified charity under the Internal Revenue Code. Please contact your tax advisor for ways to use this tool to the advantage of the Church, the Foundation and you.
Seven Trustees, nominated by the congregation nominating committee, are elected by the congregation. All Trustees must be members of the church and are elected to serve a three-year term. The Trustees serve staggered terms with three elected each year. A Trustee may be reelected for an additional three-year term but must take at least one year off after serving six consecutive years on the Board.
The Foundation address is the same as the church office.
Pinnacle Presbyterian Church
25150 North Pima Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona 85255
(480) 585 -9448