Advent Dinner & Activities | Wednesday, Dec 1 - 15
5 pm | Fellowship Hall Patio
Join our staff, Family Ministries, and Adult Faith Formation Ministry Group to celebrate the Advent season. Soup, Salad & Charcuterie will be served & conversations and activities to celebrate Advent. No RSVP is needed. Contact to volunteer to serve.
Advent Vespers
6 pm | Sanctuary
12/1 | An Advent Liturgy from the Iona Community
Join us for a quiet, candle-lit evening prayer, when we self-reflect on the balance between light and darkness in the Advent season. This evening liturgy from the Iona Community, written by David McNeish and Sarah Anderson, helps us take a journey inward while anticipating the coming of the light of Christ.
12/8 | An Evening Prayer with music from the Taizé Community
Don’t miss an opportunity to take a deep breath in the busyness of December. The evening liturgy from the Book of Common Worship is designed to do just that. Join us for an evening filled with prayers, scripture and unaccompanied voices leading meditative chants from the Taizé Community, ecumenical Christian fraternity from France.
12/15 | Holden Prayer
Written by Marty Haugen during a musical residency at Holden Village, Holden Evening Prayer is a simple vespers service that follows traditional form while using contemporary and inclusive language. Come and be renewed by singing, scripture, and prayer.