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Road Trip Through James

Summer Series with Dr. Allen Hilton
Do you ever want simply to know, “How do faithful people live?!” The Letter of James is your book. It’s short on theory and long on practice. It offers wise words about integrity (practice what you believe!), the temptation to speak harm (the tongue is small and dangerous!), money (no preference for the rich), war (it happens because of people’s greed), prayer (we should do it!), etc. It is so UNlike Paul’s letter to the Galatians and Romans, that Martin Luther wasn’t sure it should stay in the New Testament. But stay it has, and we’re better for it. This letter has helped generations of faithful Christians to live out their faith in the world.

Join Allen Hilton for a six-week walk through James. Monday evenings in all four time zones:
5:30 pm - Pacific
6:30 pm - Mountain
7:30 pm - Central
8:30 pm - Eastern

The cost of the six-week course is $25 per household unit. Payment instructions will be provided when you click submit below.

Due to popular demand, registration for this class has been reopened.

June 5

Men's Fellowship Breakfast

June 19

Men's Fellowship Breakfast