Chapel Library
Co-taught by Drs. Avram and Hilton
Saints Alive!
We name cities, football teams, colleges, and hospitals after them, but we don’t quite know what to do with them. They are the saints - holy people whom God uses especially to accomplish great things.
Nov 8 & 9 - Saints' Gift #2: Imitation
We learn to live by watching others. Your handwriting probably still looks like the person whose penmanship you first copied, and it’s usually pretty easy to match kids with one of their parents, just by watching mannerisms. When the apostle Paul wrote to his new Christians, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11.1) he presented to us the first gift of the saints. In this session, we’ll explore how these holy men and women become nearer proxies for Jesus, available for us to imitate.
Nov 15 & 16 - Saints' Gift #3: Imperfection
The halo comes off in this session. Saints have been imitated, prayed to, and worshipped, but they have flaws and their feet are made of clay. We set ourselves up for disappointment if we expect anyone to be perfect. Many people have come to doubt the existence of God or grown angry at the church because of the failure of saints. And yet it is precisely their humanness that allows you and me access to these men and women. This session will open the question, how can I live into God’s calling to be inspiring and exemplary, too?