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Interface: Faith & Science Roundtable

Chapel Library
with Dr. Kimberly Bussey, Ph.D.

Viewing Cancer Through Evolutionary and Ecological Lenses

What is cancer? It is a question that still lacks an adequate answer to this day. Cancer or cancer-like phenomena are found across the tree of life among multicellular species. This suggests that cancer may be an inevitable consequence to most species. Join Kimberly Bussey, Ph.D., who will talk about how the growing move toward thinking about cancer in evolutionary terms and as the re-expression of unicellular behaviors is providing new avenues of research and treatment. She will also touch on how this new approach to thinking about cancer has impacted her faith and theology.

Which is more truthful: faith or science? On its face, this question presents a false choice. Science and faith belong to two separate realms. Both express deep truths about existence, but in very different ways. Science uses the symbolic form of mathematical equations to describe the mechanics of reality. Christian Faith uses the written word, the Bible, to depict the human condition and our relationship to God.  The Fran Park Center for Faith and Life welcomes all who wish to participate in an open roundtable to discuss various current topics of faith and science.  

October 1

Men's Fellowship Breakfast

October 6

Courageous Conversations