Rehearsal Hall
with Drs. Wes Avram and Allen Hilton
Making Amends - Is it time for Reparations?
Moses’ Law says, “When you send a male slave out from you a free person, you shall not send him out empty-handed. Provide liberally out of your flock, your threshing floor, and your wine press, thus giving to him some of the bounty with which the Lord your God has blessed you." (Deuteronomy 12.13-14) Ancient Israel (in)famously condoned slavery as a practice throughout the Biblical period, but Torah required owners to send freed slaves away with material support to start again. Recent American conversations about racial injustice have turned increasingly to the controversial topic of slavery reparations. As we have our own Courageous Conversation on this topic, we need all voices present, so please join Dr. Allen Hilton to discuss this important topic.