'Tis the Season
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
by: Rev. Leah Quarles
This year I found myself close to Christmas without feeling any of the joy, magic, nor cheer of the season. Maybe it’s the seemingly endless illnesses that have decided to set up camp at our house. Perhaps it’s the business of work during our busiest season. Or all of the extra things schools ask for this time of year. And then there is the weight of grief that just becomes a part of you after losing a loved one. Like a second skin no one can see but you feel its presence. And of course, the worry of the world around us. Who are we becoming? What world will our children inherit? Yes – it’s definitely the mix of it all.
Come to think of it – I sound more like John the Baptist during this second week of Advent than Jolly ‘Ol St. Nick. “‘Tis the season” I suppose. And yet, this past Sunday at our Celebration of Christmas concerts, I discovered I’m finally ready. Hearing the beautiful music was moving, however, listening to the words sung about the first Christmas had a profound impact on my spirit. These lyrics reminded me of what we read in Scripture about the first Christmas.
On the first Christmas, God’s light broke into a world of darkness. There were no comforts of home or perfect decorations – and yet Christmas still came. The world was a terrifying place for a young unwed mother yet through her faithfulness, the Prince of Peace arrived. And because of that first Christmas, we have hope for a new day – for the promised Kingdom to come. Thank you Jesus.
Perhaps you’re going through the motions of the season and yet nothing feels like ‘it’s working.’ If that sounds like you – I invite you to try one, or a few, of the following things:
Listen to Christmas songs: Some good churchy ones because those are the ones borrowing from God’s Word not forcing some fake Hallmark holiday joy.
Jump on the bus and go caroling with us on 12/21: Sometimes it helps to get outside of yourself, to be with others, spreading cheer to those who literally cannot get out of where they live.
Join us for The Longest Night on 12/22: If Christmas cheer really makes your stomach churn, join us for this special service honoring that feeling of grief or depression. This space is for you.
Draw your perfect Christmas morning: At our mom’s group last week, Rev. Kristin Willett led us in a thoughtful activity drawing out our perfect Christmas morning. It was realistic and honored what would be life-giving to our spirits rather than forcing tradition on this special day. So what would that look like for you? Mine included pajamas, hot coffee and cinnamon rolls with a hike later in the day. It can be anything you want. If you have family, invite them to do this activity with you and then share with each other. Choose one element from each family member’s ‘perfect Christmas’ and do that this Christmas.
Praying you are surprised by the joy and good news of Christmas soon and very soon.