
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
by: Rev. Erik Khoobyarian

This past Sunday, Pinnacle member Maureen Kaiser hosted a songwriting workshop during which she and her fellow songwriting friends repeatedly emphasized the importance of storytelling in writing good, successful songs. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about this art of storytelling — story weaving, story sharing — ever since.

The telling of our stories is central to our identity as humans and it is what draws us into connection with others. And, when we say that God created each of us in the image of God, we also say that God is found in the stories each of us hold. 

There’s something quite powerful, then, because not only do we possess the power to share God with others through our stories, we also possess the power of withholding some unique and individual aspect of God when we don’t share our stories. Indeed, we have the responsibility — the great and beautiful responsibility to tell our stories to others for it is in our stories where God is to be found. 

I know that I talk (and write!) a lot about the three-legged stool upon which our faith stands, but I do so for a reason. Together with the legs of scripture and prayer, the leg of vulnerability with others is tied to the storytelling about which I’ve written above. When we share our stories and when we listen to the stories of others, we aren’t simply gaining a glimpse into their lives (which we are), we are gaining something of God — and how beautiful that is. How beautiful it is that, right here in our lives, God has given us glimpses of the Divine. 

Your stories matter. They matter to me, they matter to your neighbor, and they matter to God. Tell your story — in song, in writing, in words shared over a cup of coffee or on a walk or sitting in your living room.

I’m excited for you to hear the song that the group wrote. Maureen was inspired by the cross in our Sanctuary and the song is titled “Sanctuary.” Earlier this week, Maureen and her band Mayhem Lane recorded the song, and we will share it soon. 

Update: March 2, 2025 - The song is now available wherever you download music.

Just search for “Sanctuary" and "Maureen Kaiser” and you’ll find it (here’s a link to the song on YouTube). Thank you Maureen, for this gift, and also to our Pinnacle songwriters who had their lyrics integrated into the song: Rose Kilbridge, Susan Brown, Susan Matura, and Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler.


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