Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

The challenges each of us face can only make us wonder...

I recently attended a darling baby shower. This sweet momma is expecting her 3rd baby this spring. As this was not her plan, she has no remaining items from her older two children. Each baby rattle, bottle, blanket, bouncy chair, and every baby sheet has been donated to family and friends. So, here she is, beginning again, and as there is so much joy, there is also wonder…

Another family near and dear to my heart said goodbye to their “Poppy”. A 65-year-old strong, vibrant, loveable, and healthy grandpa died of a massive heart attack last Saturday. His daughter, a young single mother of two young children, is now unsure how she and her 7 and 9 year old will live without him and his daily support.

A teacher in our very own Pinnacle Presbyterian Preschool is facing something most of us can only imagine. Her 18-year-old daughter, a college freshman, had an ear infection that simply would not heal. The morning after Thanksgiving, a visit to the ER showed the urgency and the medical team transported the young woman to Phoenix Children’s Hospital. After countless tests, and visits with many specialists, she was diagnosed with leukemia and began chemo treatment immediately. After a 32-day stay at PCH, the PPP teacher & her daughter were released for a 7-day break at home. They are back in the hospital for round 2 of her 6-month treatment before her upcoming bone marrow transfusion in June.

Sometimes we look at ourselves in the mirror and wonder; “How does God expect ME to survive THIS?” How can something change the way we live in an instant? Nothing can prepare us for what we are about to embark on. The only real tool we have to survive any of these and countless other breathtaking events is our faith. With each and every day, we must fully rely on God. We must begin each day with gratefulness, an open heart, and the ability to know, with God, we can move forward.

Today, I pray for you. You may not be expecting a new baby, you may have not lost your parent in an instant, and you may not be in the hospital holding and supporting your young adult child. But, each of us needs one another, and sharing our stories is what makes our community strong. If you have a story to share, a prayer request, or a hand that needs to be held, we are here! I’m here!

May the love of Jesus Christ fill your heart with hope, peace, and endless wonder. Amen.