Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

“When all else fails. Treat them like a plant. Put them in water or take them outside into the sunlight.” This was the advice someone gave me after having our daughter. Most of the advice was unhelpful and unsolicited. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Oh really? Do I do laundry when the baby does laundry? But this advice–I swear by. Not just for newborns or children, but for adults too. 

Contrary to popular belief–we aren’t meant to work all day every day. We aren’t meant to sit in front of screens either. Those things wear us out. You can tell by the frown lines in between our eyebrows. Think about it–where do you feel the most refreshed? Swimming laps or hitting the trail. Relaxing in a hot tub or kayaking on a lake. Taking a hot shower or boating down the river. One friend claims her best naps are at the shore. Laying in the sunshine, listening to the waves crash on the shore lulls her right to sleep. My mom’s daily habit is walking outside early every morning, even in the winter, to take a deep breath of the cool crisp air. I’ve taken to that too. As the sun comes up, I go outside and watch creation wake up too. I stretch and take a deep breath. Let’s start today off right. 

Water and Light. They are involved in methods of calming oneself too–especially when you’re anxious or having a panic attack. When you feel out of control, drink a tall glass of cool water, splash it on your face or place it on the back of your neck. Or go outside in your bare feet. Take deep breaths and say what you feel or hear. Cool grass. Warm pavement. Rough rocks. Sun on skin. Airplanes in the sky. Birds chirping. Pretty soon, you’ll feel your heartbeat and breath slow down. You’re grounded once more. 

Light and water. God created both. God knows we need both–not just to live but to live abundantly. It’s no wonder then Jesus is called the Light of the World and the Living water that quenches our souls. Water and light are essentials–not just to calm us down but to sustain life. To grow plants and feed all of creation. We need the rays from the sun to provide Vitamin D. We need water to fuel our bodies. And we need Jesus to be a daily essential too. For to spend time with Jesus, means our spirit and our emotional health receive the very light and water they need too. 

Jesus says, “Come away with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31) Come away and receive the Light of the World and Living Water.