Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

There is this line from the movie “School Daze” by director, Spike Lee, that merely says, “Wake up!” The movie follows the shenanigans on an HBCU campus during homecoming weekend. It’s loosely based on Spike’s undergrad experience at Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s alma mater. “Wake up!” is a directive for characters in the film and for the audience, to be attentive, knowledgeable, and discerning about history, culture, prejudices, colorism, colonialism, and racism. This list does not present all that one should wake from, but the point is we are to be alert in America. 

Be alert. Biblical context: Matthew 25:1-13 presents a parable about ten bridesmaids who have to keep watch for a bridegroom. Each has a lamp because the time in which the bridegroom will appear is unknown. Having a lamp to guide one in the dark is sensible; it could get extremely late before the appearance of the expected person. As we read, we discover the bridegroom’s arrival is beyond late. However, once he arrives, not all are prepared. Some do not have enough oil in their lamps, nor extra oil to light their way. The unprepared have to rush to find oil. Unfortunately, when they arrive at the wedding party, they are not permitted to enter. Ending the parable, Jesus says to “Keep awake….”

Above are two examples, a film and a parable, about keeping awake. These may seem unrelated; however, I will attempt to show their congruence – humor me, please. In the parable, Jesus is providing a simile to the kingdom of heaven: “then the kingdom of heaven will be like this.” Like what? Well, people will not be prepared. Many will want to enter, but only those who are ready will be permitted entrance. The next question then is, how does one become ready? For the answer, we turn to Matthew 22:36-40: love the Lord with your all and others as much as you love yourself. Other examples to help one get prepared: Micah 6:8 (love justice, seek mercy, walk humbly with God); Matthew 5:6 (blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness); Luke 6:34-36 (love your enemies). When we are prepared or being prepared, we act in a way that demonstrates how the citizens of the kingdom of heaven behave. We are awake when there are injustices, the perpetuation of racism, oppressive policies, corrupt systems and the like. Being awake means visibly and unequivocally standing in opposition against all forms of injustice. 

Awake. Woke. Being awake is a directive to all those who claim to be on the side of God; on the side of justice. There is no ambiguity about what God is calling for kingdom children to do. No argument can justify an act of injustice when we are Christ-centered. Fortunately, there is support when seeking to “keep awake” for the kingdom of heaven because the journey is long.