Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)


We enjoy the summer season with many transitions in the near future!  

Many students are preparing to move from one school to another.  Preschool to elementary school is a cause for many families to breathe a sigh of financial relief.  In addition to a full day, a full week of school is both exhilarating and exhausting.  

5th &/or 6th grade graduations are complete and we realize elementary school days are over and junior high/middle school years have arrived!  Students are preparing to adjust to seven teachers from one, an earlier start to the day, and the idea of finals, advanced classes and study halls.  School sports begin and everyone wants to feel prepared.

8th grade students are preparing to move into high school, and often this can be the most tense transition.  The idea of GPAs, professors, syllabus and group projects can consume students’ hearts and minds.  What will the next transition be and how best should we prepare?  College sports?  College visits?  All while making friends and finding their voice.

Adults, of course, transition as well.  A move, a new job, a new baby, caring for an ailing family member; each of these changes can be intensely difficult.  And as we move into and through each of these changes we need one another.  We relish in the idea of friendship, church family and small group relationships. 

Do not take any of these joyful & stressful situations alone. Pinnacle staff, members & friends are here to walk alongside you. Often, we don’t know exactly what you are going through, but we are great listeners. We are great supporters. And we are great encouragers.  And together, transitions will be a great cause for celebration!

Grace & peace to you - please contact me with any joys or concerns.  I’m always here for you!