Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Strength, Faith & Love


Many of you know, I’m a HUGE sports fan!  Our family loves football, basketball, baseball, high jump... and we especially love and cheer for our Arizona professional teams. This season has been so much fun watching and cheering for our focused, energetic and amazing NBA team, the Phoenix Suns. Pinnacle had the opportunity to enjoy a game in May, and we had 30 members of all ages enjoy a suite together as we cheered for our home team.  It was such fun!

The “people-part” of the sport may be my most favorite. Learning how the individuals made their way to professional sports often blows me away. Their parents, their drive, their focus, and achieving their goals, to me, are simply incredible. What I really love is learning about the faith of these amazing athletes and their coaching staff.  

Monty Williams, our Phoenix Suns head coach, is a devout Christian. His NBA peers say they’ve never seen him eat before blessing his food.  The 4.0 high school student from  Maryland has always been driven and focused, raised by a single mother, and a graduate of the University Notre Dame. In 2016, tragedy struck, and Ingrid Williams, Monty’s 44-year-old wife, was involved in an automobile accident and was killed.  Three of their five children were in the car with her, and luckily, they survived.  

I invite you to listen to Coach Williams' speech during the funeral for the love of his life.  The compassion, the strength, and the promise that God is in control inspire me.  I think you will agree.  It's a 7-min. video, and you will be grateful you listened:

Whether you are an NBA fan or not, please be reminded of the strength, faith, and love.  God is love.  And brothers and sisters in Christ, cheering Bucks or Suns, we unite and celebrate our amazing faith.  As Ingrid Williams said, “Jesus can work it out”.  We are never alone!

Peace, love & blessings to you ~