Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

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I am so blessed to say I have been showered with LOVE!  On Valentine’s Day 2000, I was 9 months pregnant with my first child.  We were unaware if we were having a boy or a girl.  On February 19, our daughter Elliot Noel arrived and God showered us with love!  On Valentine’s Day 2001, we were blessed to have not one, but two babies to shower with love.  Ethan Fox arrived February 7, 2001 and once again, not knowing his gender, we were blown away by God providing a healthy baby girl and a healthy baby boy.  We continued to be blessed; Eli Scott was born September 18, 2002 and Emily Ann, December 2, 2003.  21 years later, we reflect on God’s gifts each day, and feel so loved.

Recently, my mother became very, very ill.  I feel showered with love.  I have received phone calls, text messages, emails and hundreds of cards, letters and gifts.  Many of you, my Pinnacle Family, have shown and shared love like no other.  I’m simply blown away.  Our family was placed in a very difficult situation, yet we felt and continue to feel showered with love.  The only time my mom wept during her illness was when reading notes of encouragement, prayers and memories of so many people from her life.  What a gift to be able to hear how much you are loved, before your time to transition to heaven.  

On Sunday, January 10 at 2:30am, my mom was safely wrapped in my arms, and she took her last breath.  I felt love.  Love of Jesus to welcome her home, love that only a daughter and a mother can share, and love for each of the sweet moments we cherished, together.

This Valentine’s Day, I encourage you to join us at Pinnacle for a drive-thru experience to share and feel love!  Pinnacle Pastors and staff will be dressed silly, sharing Valentine’s Treats in an effort to raise money for our youth group, collecting food & toiletry items for the City of Scottsdale, and providing an opportunity for you to bring your commitment cards for Stewardship Sunday.  We will also have Valentine’s Day goodie bags full of Lenten countdown crafts & a Habitat for Humanity mission opportunity.

I’m grateful to each of you.  May each of you feel showered with love, today and always.  Amen!

Hillary Mackowski
Director of Children’s and Family Ministries