Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Recently, Pinnacle Presbyterian Church’s Children’s and Music Ministries have begun a new program. Following the typical Pinnacle Presbyterian Preschool day, families are offered extended day opportunities. Children are able to stay for lunch, then enjoy an enrichment class in the afternoon.  

In February, Lorraine Brugh, our amazing Artist in Residence, said YES to join me and welcome 12 students each Wednesday and Thursday 1-2 pm. Our class is called Jumping on the ARK - Acts of Random Kindness.  We begin each session with singing, of course, “Rise and Shine”.  Ms. Lorraine makes the song so fun, adding chalk drawings in the shape of the sunshine, the ark, and the flood for students to hop into during various verses.  She spends 15-20 mins each session teaching songs that our Children’s Choir will sing in worship at both Palm Sunday & Easter. We HOPE our ARK friends will worship with us over the upcoming holiday season.

Following the music portion, I’m able to share a lesson on Acts of Random Kindness. Some topics we discuss include:

  • being kind to ourselves 

  • including those that are isolated

  • the ability to fill others’ buckets will fill ours

  • the importance of introducing ourselves to someone with a disability 

  • and simply encouraging one another

The children are amazing. Many of them know how much Jesus loves them, and now they are reminded of how to share Jesus’ love with their sweet 3 - 6 yr old resources.

As we all share in overwhelming feelings of our very busy world, it’s so nice to have the opportunity to be reminded of simple Acts of Random Kindness.  We can all change the world, one act at a time!

Blessings to you ~