Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

How do we dream of peace

How do we dream of peace, and what is the peace we dream of? 

It is the cessation of war and repair of what is destroyed, the redemption of all that is lost, comfort for those who mourn, restoration and a sense of God's presence for those against whom injustice has been done, care for the dispossessed and refugees, honor to the dead, gratitude to heroes and caregivers, some modicum of justice for perpetrators, efforts to prevent violent conflict in the future, reconciliation (in the end) among enemies. 


We pray for Peace in Eastern Europe. 

Peace is also awareness, and a desire to see all those places—hot or cold—in need of the same. 

For peace is a willingness to let our righteous attention to Ukraine open our eyes all over—in Syria, Iraq, the Occupied Territories, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, and oh, so many other places.  To name some of those might sound political.  But part of the peace we claim, and so the peace we dream of, also includes looking without the lens of partisan politics to see truth where it is to be seen.  That even if our vision is partial. 


Our openness to peace, as Christ-followers, does begin in our faith I think.  For it is there that we find the courage, the power, the acceptance of grace, and the humility to dream of peace—and to see things as they are.

May Christ's peace show us all the way—whether we know it is him who is showing that way or not.

Let us be people who help.  Let us be people who dream.  Let us be people of peace.