Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Enthusiastic Faith

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
~ 1 Corinthians 12: 27

Last week at Pinnacle we hosted our first week-long Leadership Academy for upper elementary aged children. We spent time in the classroom studying the traits of successful leaders. The kids focused attention on Bible study and different kinds of prayer. We enjoyed some team-building activities and fun lunchtime together. The kids had opportunities to go out into our community to put their newly acquired leadership skills in action packing food for starving children at Feed My Starving Children and providing a few days of VBS for the children at a local homeless shelter. On Friday afternoon as we closed the week, the children sat in a circle and shared their reflections. When asked to name the highlights of the week, every student mentioned our mission projects almost exclusively.

We can all learn a lot by observing our church’s children. They have enthusiastic faith. They are accepting and forgiving.  And, as we saw last week, they live to serve.  As I watched kids engage with their faith, I am reminded that I, too, can enjoy such an unbridled relationship with God. I just need to stay out of my own way and keep my eyes focused on what really matters. If I let myself, I can be such an amazing piece of the “body of Christ” both at church and in His Kingdom.

In fact, as I reflect on a couple of years in the ministry at Pinnacle, the times I remember as the most special are the times I was part of engaging children and families in becoming God’s hands and feet. I loved those times when church was not an event or even a place, but was us serving as one Body in Christ. My faith grew the most when I was a part of something bigger than me. As I move on to new ministry opportunities, I will take these special moments and use them in continued service to God. I also know that God remains very much at work in the ministry at Pinnacle and have faith that our children will grow to new heights in their collective and individual walk with Christ. As Kingdom builders, we can both continue in God’s hands, doing God’s work as one church, one body in Christ. I know our paths will continue to cross, merge and grow in the years to come.  “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.