Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Don’t Wait for a Signal in the Sky


As the school year has begun, we realize the difficulty ‘normalcy’ is to many families.  I attended a unique webinar this week called “Collective Trauma: Supporting students and teachers returning to the classroom amid COVID 19.”  As you can imagine, the term collective trauma was enough of a title for me to attend, to gather resources for us, our Pinnacle church family.

Several items were presented & remain in my heart.   I want to share with you, so we can do all we can to support one another.  

  1. COVID 19 is more of collective trauma for children, families, and adults than anything in our known history.  No other time has there been no safe zone, no safe space, or beacon of hope during the heat of the pandemic.  We have been ripped away from school, church, friends, and even terrified that our immediate family would become ill.  Having no safety net is still haunting to many.

  2. Educators are front-line workers.  As our nation, alongside many international communities, went to online learning educators were asked to take on a role that they were not prepared for.   We owe them our gratitude, our respect, and our support.  Until we become unified, we will not be able to heal.  Take a look at this 3-min. video hearing from teachers.  It will take your breath away: 

  3. Students are resilient, yet still incredibly affected by COVID 19.   Social and emotional learning comes from these five tools: self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness.  It is our job, as a church family to show up for each other.  We can do this by modeling grace & compassion, learn individual stories, & build supportive relationships.

  4. Finally, take a look at this sweet video from Kid President, a YouTube sensation. His energy and charisma are contagious!

We can all be heroes!  Don’t wait for the signal in the sky.  You are chosen, by God, to serve, love, and give.  Together, we can make a difference!