Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Eight of our high school students attended the Montreat Youth Conference in North Carolina last month. The week was filled with morning keynote speakers, small group discussions, evening worship and a ton of fun. The theme of this year's conference was Called to Connect. After over a year of being disconnected through the circumstances of the pandemic, speakers challenged us to reconnect with ourselves, with others and with God. Being beautifully unique we celebrated the many ways we are inter-connected through Christ. 

Here is what some of the students and trip leaders shared about the trip:

Ben Sidoti:
I loved going to Montreat, NC! It was such an amazing experience, not only to meet new people, but to also get closer to God! I would not give that experience up for anything! I had so much fun there too between going to worship and seeing bats fly around the auditorium to going to small groups and meeting many amazing people! I truly had an amazing time!

Laurel Davis: 
Montreat was such a magical experience for me. I got to meet so many amazing Presbyterian and Christian people from across the United States. Not only did we have meaningful conversations with the mentors in our small groups, but we got to bond with people our age with fun recreational games. The speakers each day were phenomenal. I really connected to the preacher, and what he spoke about was something I had never heard before. We also connected as a youth group. We created a safe space that allowed us to share things we've never shared before. We also have our chaperones, Brandon, Katie, and Merry Cole Bender to thank! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who's thinking about going because I will definitely be participating again next year, if the opportunity presents itself again!

Gabbie Johnson:
Going into Montreat, I wasn't sure what to expect.  I was unsure and anxious about what the week would look like and how it would relate to my faith. When I got there, it was shocking to see how accepting and inviting everyone was, and you could feel welcome and at home no matter where you were or who you were with. It was a great opportunity for me to strengthen my connections with God, others, and myself as well.  Montreat taught me that the love of God can be seen and felt here on Earth. We all just have to accept and love others for who they are.

Maddie Morander:
Montreat was an experience I have never had before. It was its own little world where everyone and everything was accepted. I learned so much about myself, God, and other people while I was there. I made friends with people I might never see again, but whom I know will always be there for me. I felt like I had found myself as well as God along this trip. Montreat is something so incredibly special that I wish everyone could experience it! 

Lily Rogers:
Montreat was such a good experience for our youth group at church! It connected us together in many ways we could not have been if the trip was local. Something about the area and views opened our hearts to become closer to each other and closer to God. As we went through the week, there was laughter and smiles, as well as pain and tears. We connected together to help each other grow and meet new people from around the country to experience Montreat together and learn from each other. The sermons were so impactful to our community and taught us with God's words. I felt as if he was talking to us Himself. The community was so open and kind, and I hope we will be able to experience that again. This was a good opportunity that the church leaders fabricated together to make this happen, and they have impacted our lives in ways we can't explain. Thanks for this experience, and I hope we can go to Montreat again. 

Katie Rosenson, Trip Chaperone: 
Montreat has always had a special place in my heart, and I loved being able to share it with our PPC youth. Montreat truly is unlike any other church camp or retreat, and I have seen the spiritual work it fosters in so many students over the years. My favorite part of the week this year was watching our students grow together as they learned about themselves, each other, the PCUSA, and God. WE LOVE MONTREAT! <3

Merry Cole Bender, Trip Chaperone:
I have been fortunate to accompany youth on many missions or retreat adventures and yet when Brandon asked me to join the group for the Montreat Trip, I was reticent. I did not know the group well, nor did I know what to expect. Prayer and a few friends intervening took me to a yes, and I can stand here now and say, “thank God”. It was indeed an awesome experience to see God’s hand touching the hearts and minds of more than 700 Presbyterian youth as they worshipped, studied, played, prayed and more. The best part was watching Brandon lead our lovely youth through the experience with competence and love. Katie and I were his helpers, which was an additional bonus to be a part of this trip. Know that our youth are in good hands with Brandon but also know our PPC future is solid as these strong, determined youth will carry us into the next generation with love and a better understanding of church community and the importance of showing we are Christians by our love in all that we do.

A special thank you is in order to our trip chaperones, Katie Rosenson and Merry Cole Bender. I am grateful for your help and support. It was a joy to experience the ways in which God was at work in our high school students during our time at Montreat. Praise be to God!