Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)


For many of us “asking for help” is even difficult to say!  All too often we find ourselves in situations that we feel stuck, or that we possibly created for ourselves, and no one will understand.  But I’m learning that is such a lonely place to survive.  Asking for help should be the forefront of each of our days.  We should ask for help in prayer, for our family, our friends, and, let me clear my throat, our church!

On April 23 my sweet 69-year-old healthy-as-a-horse momma had 3 seizures.  She had been to Costco to grab the toaster oven that they’d been shopping for, rode her bike with her husband, my stepfather, for 6 miles, and at 12:45 that afternoon had 3 seizures.  We were paralyzed with fear.  She’d never even been to a hospital, never sick, never.

As I drove to meet my dad in the hospital parking lot, I asked for help.  I called my church friend, a doctor, whose husband works in the hospital my mom was in, and I was in sheer panic.  I begged for answers. I begged for help.  And she was an angel.  She spoke slowly and carefully.  She heard my fear, and she listened, and she encouraged me.  She alerted her husband and they continued to check in on us.  I received photos of my mom from this Pinnacle member, as we could not be with my mom for 3 ½ weeks.  My mom was safe, she was in good hands, and the encouragement of my church friends saved our lives.

It’s Christmas and the holidays are not easy.  Many of us have lost loved ones.  Many of us feel alone.  Many of us are panicked.  The beauty of having an extended family, as we do with Pinnacle, is there is always someone willing to help.  

I beg each of you; Ask for Help.  Do not carry your burdens, your fears, your worries alone.  Pinnacle staff does not have all the answers, but we will find someone that will understand, that will listen, that will encourage, I assure you. You are NOT alone!

Peace & love to each of you today ~
I hope to hear from you soon!  

Hillary Mackowski
Director of Children’s and Family Ministries