Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Answered Prayers

“Let’s take a field trip!” I exclaimed in the middle of Sunday school. The students looked at me curiously and slowly stood up. “Where are we going?” they asked. I told them that Vacation Bible School started tomorrow and I wanted everyone to see the beautiful decorations in the Fellowship Hall, and once we looked at everything, we had a very important job. They “ooh-ed” and "ahhh-ed" as we walked around the space exploring the coral reefs, the ocean waves, and the seaweed wall. We talked about how much fun we were going to have and that they were going to be ambassadors at VBS for all the kids who don’t come to our church on Sundays. We talked about how to be welcoming and kind to newcomers and how important it is to show God’s love. The kids were psyched! 

Next, I told them that our big job was to pray right then and there. We got into a circle in the middle of Fellowship Hall and we prayed popcorn style. One by one the kids volunteered a prayer for Vacation Bible School. Their prayers wow’d me. They prayed that their new friends would feel God’s love and would love coming to VBS. They prayed for new friends to come to Sunday school after VBS ended. They prayed hard and they prayed with unquestioning faith that God was listening and was about to do great things! 

The following Sunday, we had many new kids join us for church school. At the end of the lesson, I asked the kids if they remembered their prayers from the Sunday before. I reminded them that they prayed for new friends to join us, and here in the room were a bunch of new friends! Faces lit up as the realization hit that God answered their prayers! God is so good. 

God showed up in big ways throughout our entire week of Vacation Bible School. The God sightings rolled in at our Fin-Tastic Finale each day as those at VBS saw God in a multitude of ways. The God sightings continued in church on Sunday as the congregation noted so many of their own glimpses of God’s goodness in their lives.

My greatest God sighting and answered prayer for the week came as God provided so many adult volunteers and not just any volunteers, but the right volunteers for the jobs we needed. An amazing assistant VBS director came forward. The women’s Tuesday Bible Study and 2 different parent groups faithfully prepared decorations, donated supplies, and lent out their own scuba gear.  A professional paper crafter showed up, an art teacher volunteered, and a wonderful man of God came to lead games. One faithful follower of God showed up every morning the week before VBS began and simply asked, “What can I do?” She did everything from submarine designing to hot gluing pool noodle fish on grass hula skirting. 

What surprised me the most, was that many came with no experience and rocked it out of the park! They stepped out in faith and answered God’s call to provide a loving church community for the children. What a gift and a blessing these beautiful people were as we swam through the coral reefs at VBS prepared and equipped. God is so good.