Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)


A hug is often defined as a light squeeze around someone’s arms as a sign of affection.  I have found in my years of ministry that a hug is the acting out of the Holy Spirit providing comfort during a difficult time, the grace shown in forgiveness, the peace after a difficult decision and the love shown at the exact moment when we need it.  And as God’s people, we express God’s comfort, forgiveness, peace and love through the giving of hugs. 

It is likely that if we have had the opportunity to spend any time together, you would know that I am a hugger.  It is also likely that you would have received one of these hugs from me.  A moment of connection, love and fellowship shared together. 

And as you can probably imagine I am in withdrawal due to the social distancing. Today there are no hugs, in fact, there are six feet between me and the next person. Most often there is an office door, a building or a computer screen between any of our communications. There has been a lot of phone calls, digital connections, and zoom meetings.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic hugs are not allowed.  But that is exactly what I want to do right now.  I want to wrap my arms around each of you and say we are all going to get through this together. And God is with us. 

To add one more thing to the struggle stack, this is my last week at Pinnacle. Normally this would be the time where we would be gathering for celebrations, times for parties, goodbye meals and coffees where we shared our last moments as Pastor and congregation together. Instead, we are standing six feet apart and staying at home in order to stop the spread of this virus. Which is more important. And by the time the pandemic is over (and we are allowed to hug again), I will be serving as someone else’s pastor and those moments for goodbyes well wishes and most importantly, hugs will be gone.

So, today I want to give you a virtual hug. Imagine with me for a moment, you and me together.  I will say, “Thank you for sharing your life with me these last six years.”  We will share some memories of us growing in our faith together, doing mission projects together, serving each other and supporting each other through our life.  I will say, “Thank you for letting me be your pastor and for loving me and my dog Calvin.”  Then I will give you a hug and tell you, “I love you and I can’t wait to see what amazing things God does next for you!” 

This virtual hug is not the same, but I hope it expresses the love, care and joy it has been to serve as your pastor. Blessings to you, Pinnacle Family! You will continue to be in my prayers throughout this pandemic and beyond.