Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

This Day and Every Day

On a spiritual life retreat a few years ago our leader asked us to write personal affirmations that we would like to repeat every day.  Here is what I wrote:

God is love. God's love is the most real reality in all the universe. God's love is above me, beneath me, around me, and in me.

God commended His love to me in Jesus Christ my Lord. Jesus Christ is the model for my life and all of life. He is my commander in chief. I will take my marching orders this day from Him.

In His death on the cross, Jesus Christ freed me from sin and guilt, freed me from old thought patterns, old behaviors, old attitudes, freed me for new life in him. I will live in His love and serve Him this day.

Out of love for me, God placed me in my family. As a family, we need one another, we care for one another, we support one another, we forgive one another.

Together we attend our church.

Together we study God's word.

Together we grow in Christ.

Together we serve all humanity.

Together we hope for heaven.

Out of love for me, God gave me Barbara, who loves me unconditionally, and I her. I will support and nurture her. I will grow in friendship with her each day. I will help her attain her highest and best. I will be faithful unto her only as long as we both shall live.

This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. God has given me this day for my own growth and learning. This day is an unrepeatable gift. My life is now half over, and so I will use my time this day wisely and well. Today I will go where God wants me to go and do what God wants me to do. Today I will think with the mind of Christ, love with the heart of Christ, serve with the hands of Christ. Today I will put my time, my talent, and my treasure completely at God's disposal.

Today I will be a positive source of inspiration and courage for all with whom I come in contact.  Every person I meet today is a child of God, saved by the precious blood of Christ. I will, therefore, treat every person I meet as a brother or sister in Christ, a person of worth and dignity.

My body is the temple of God's Holy Spirit. I will make this temple fit for the Spirit's habitation by daily exercise, proper rest and proper nutrition.

This day and every day, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.