Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

For many years now it has been a sacred tradition at Pinnacle to hold a service on Memorial Day Sunday in our Memorial Garden to honor those who are interred there. 

Last year was the first year I had the privilege to lead this service. In previous years the Rev. Mac Schafer, Rev. Kristin Willett, and Dr. Wes Avram led the service.

This year we are moving the service to an earlier time in the day – 11:30 am. We are doing so because of the heat of the late afternoon when the service has been held in years past. We are also doing so because there are some who will be attending the 10 am service in the sanctuary who will want to attend the 11:30 am service in the Memorial Garden.
The other day I was showing some friends around our church campus and our tour took us through the Memorial Garden. I was struck by how many people are interred there at whose service I officiated. So many decent and good people. Even though they are now gone, their lives still speak.
I invite you to attend our “In Memorium” service on Sunday, May 25, at 11:30 am. We will not only be honoring those who are interred there, but also our loved ones who are buried or interred in other parts of our land. In that sense, I will be honoring my own father, James M. Swicegood, who is buried in a cemetery in Winston-Salem, N.C.
One of my favorite prayers was written by a fine American poet, Marianne Moore, a lifetime Presbyterian, a New Yankee fan. Miss Moore wrote this poem upon the death of her mother. It's a fitting prayer for all who have died in Christ.

One by one, Thou dost gather us out of earthly light,
Into heavenly glory.
From the distractions of time 
To the peace of eternity.
We thank thee for the labors and joys of these mortal years.
We thank Thee for our deepening sense of the mysteries that lie behind life's dust.
And for the eye of faith which Thou hast opened for
all who believe in thy son,
to behold through the darkness
the shining future.  Amen.