Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

On Easter Sunday we gathered for our celebration of Jesus' Resurrection with all the pomp and circumstance that come with this sacred day.  The sanctuary is full, music is grand and we share in great "alleluias" as our message reminds us how God saved us.

This past Sunday we sang our alleluias even louder, dressed in our Easter best and had special Easter meals with friends and family.  We might have even participated in an Easter egg hunt, dyed Easter eggs and received an Easter basket.  It was a great day!  I was blessed to be here at Pinnacle leading worship and welcoming this day with our choirs, brass, church community and of course the Risen Lord!

And now the day is over and things have gotten back to normal, except maybe a few deviled eggs left in the fridge, and the sugar comas we are recovering from due to the jelly beans and chocolate bunnies we ate, everything seems to have returned to normal.  But it feels odd to return to our daily routines after such a triumphant and glorious day.  I keep wanting to ask myself, what happens now? 

Each gospel describes the disciple’s response a little differently.  Matthew describes the disciples returning to Galilee and worshiping Jesus.  Mark describes the disciples gathering together waiting for confirmation.  Luke explains how some left and some stayed, and John depicts them essentially doing nothing.  But no matter what each gospel explains about the disciple’s immediate reactions to Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus’ response is the same.  He says, “The Father sent me and now I send you.”  We too are being sent.  We are being sent back into the world to our homes, jobs, schools and activities changed by Jesus’ resurrection.

That is why these days after Easter are so important and yet have such an odd feeling about them because we are being sent back out into the world that ignores, forgets and denies Jesus day after day.  This is a day we are called rise in newness to our life with Christ.  This is the day that we celebrate what Paul means when he says, “We are no longer slaves to sin but alive in Jesus Christ!”  It is a great day because Jesus' resurrection doesn’t just happen on Easter, but every day. 

The lessons of Easter go beyond Easter clothes and special meals.  Easter is about the resurrection of our whole life, and to stay the same or return to the way things were before, is to stay in the tomb.  Every second, every experience, and every person is changed because of it.  Jesus has risen!  The resurrection pours glory over every sorrow, it whispers hope to the hopeless, it leads in the darkness, it is victory over death, and it is life to the lifeless.

It makes sense that we go back to our regular routine because we are the ones who are sent out to point out the signs of Easter.  The sounds of God’s Choir singing to the tune of children’s laughter, the gathering of God’s family around a dinner table, the worry and fear that are comforted by the presence of Jesus, the melody of Easter Orchestra found in the birds singing, trees clapping and wind whispering, and in the message of Jesus’ presence found in the kind words, supportive hugs and presence of our loved ones around. The signs of Easter are happening all around you.  Where do you see the signs of Easter today?