Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

Missioned (Sent) for a Purpose


Pam & I just returned from a week in Aspen, Colorado. Over 15 years ago we almost moved there. It was an interesting feeling returning to a place we used to regularly visit and at one time considered living.

As we reconnected with favorite places, old friends who now are retired there, and attended worship at the church I considered pastoring, I reflected on how different life might have been for our family had we moved there.

When I chose Lancaster, PA over Aspen / Snowmass I felt clear direction from God that it was the best path for us. Others, however, questioned that choice!

Aspen certainly "sparkled" and it was a very attractive ministry opportunity with definite pluses over Pennsylvania. But ultimately, after much prayer and seeking God's guidance, the 'call' to Pennsylvania seemed clear.

I'm reminded of the story of Jesus in Luke 4:31-43. Early in his ministry after driving out demons in people, healing Simon Peter's mother-in-law, and having great success in Capernaum, people were clamoring for him to stay. However, Jesus went on to other towns proclaiming the Good News saying, "That is why I was sent (missioned)"

There are times in our lives when we can choose what is 'good' but not what is 'best'. Seeking God's guidance in both small and large daily decisions may surprise us with the path we ultimately take and bring about God's best. Sometimes the wisdom of those choices only becomes clear later.

Our recent return to Snowmass underscored that our decision to move to Pennsylvania was the right one for us. God accomplished many wonderful successes in the ministries Pam and I were privileged to lead, and finally brought us to Arizona...all of which we are grateful for.

It was great fun being back in Aspen but we have no regrets for having followed what we believed to be God's call.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the good plans and purposes you have for each of us, your children. Help us to remain open to your nudges and guidance that our life choices might further your Kingdom on Earth, and bring us the greatest joy. In Christ's name, AMEN.